Sylvester Stallone-Your Unknown Sugar Daddy

What is your impression of Sylvester Stallone?Is the left cheek part of the muscle facial paralysis and unclear civilians kid? Or in the erotic film as dancers men? Or the genius writer who wrote the world famous film "Rocky" for three day?Or a famous painter, director, screenwriter and producer?Yeah,this is our impression of the Hollywood superstar Sylvester Stallone.But now,I wanna share you guys something about Stallone's sugar life! Stallone and Jennifer with their children Stallone was born in 1946.In 1987,he divorced with model and actor Brigitte Mielsen,and in 1997,Stallone and Jennifer Flavin get married.Jennifer Flavin was born in 1968,the age difference is 22!Stallone is a truly free sugar daddy. Stallone met Jennifer in California at a Beverly Hills restaurant in 1988.But they were married...