Exeprience as a sugar baby.

Today the word “sugar” is no longer just a sweet within food. Sugar is a lifestyle. Some spend their lives avoiding it, others wake up searching for it. I’m not alone in my justification or urge. I eventually tried out searching my sugar daddy .So there I was lonely, unemployed and now surrounded in an online community known as the Sugar Bowl, reading sugar daddy date blogs and other pages. I discovered that a significant amount of men I met were married men seeking refuge and escape from their daily, conventional lives. I could sort of relate given my previous circumstance. At only 24 years old, I would come to see more beauty in the world, than most people do in their lifetime. I’d learn that regular dating was a far journey back from the Sugar life — a rose loses its meaning when compared to a box from Harry Winston. The first Sugar Daddy I ever had was from New York, and he provided a $5...